You will need
  • - methodological developments;
  • - diagnostics of children to different activities of the group;
  • data about age, health status and social situation of children.
Collect the required data. Data on age of the children is the teacher, he should know and social situation of each child. Data on the state of health of a nurse of the kindergarten. In the feature there is no need to specify the data individually for each child, you only need a percentage. If you are writing a description of the group to participate in the competition for a particular direction, take the data of the initial and final diagnostics on the subject. They also have educators.
Write "hat". At the top is written the word "feature" just below on whom it is composed. For example, "characteristic of the middle group of the kindergarten Solnyshko". To participate in the municipal competition of other data about the educational institution is usually not required. If you are going to send documents to the regional education Committee or even the Ministry, then you need to specify a locality, district and region.
Tell us the conditions in which the group operates. Briefly describe kindergarten. The type and direction of the work. Answer the questions what building it is, if there's sports and music halls, what other spaces for specialized classes there are, whether there is security, offers your group a private area for walking, can your pupils to use a shared Playground, greenhouse and other buildings on site.
Describe the group room. Note some of the areas it has, whether there is a separate bedroom, an arcade and a canteen or some functions are combined in one room. Tell us about the division into functional areas, specialized areas for different activities. If you are working on an innovative program, explain which conditions are created for its successful implementation.
Describe the children. Include their age, tell us about a social situation. Notice any kids with disabilities and how many there are. What is being done to preserve children's health? Do teachers of health saving educational technologies? Tell us about the level of development of children, about their knowledge, skills and abilities to the requirements of the state Programme "education in kindergarten". To participate in the competition in a certain direction of describe the level of development of children before starting work on this method and using for a while. Use the diagnostic information.
Tell us about the teachers who work with this group. Specify their level of education, skills, achievements in work under this program. Usually there are other employees who are engaged with this group. This is usually music and physical leaders. In many gardens there are psychologists. In specialized kindergartens with children speech therapists, Surdo, tiflo and oligophagy. It is also necessary to mention the characteristics of the group.
Design requirements are usually specified in terms of the competition. They may not be particularly hard. In this case, type it on the computer so that it is easy to read. This is best done 14 size a half of the interval and level on both sides. Header align to center. Print feature, set the date and secure written signature with the decryption and printing.