You will need
  • - cool gadgets,
  • Sol or the egg
  • - thyme,
  • - ointment from bruises,
  • - gauze,
  • - vegetable oil
  • - alcohol,
  • - iodine.
The first thing you need to take immediate action and remove the pain, if any. This requires the use of cold lotions, it can be soaked in cold water on a cloth or a piece of meat out of the freezer and wrapped in a towel. Change or turn over a lotion as it is heated. It will help to relieve pain and prevent the formation of hematoma.
You can now change tactics. A day after the moment of impact, use the heating of the place of injury. Warm compresses reduce swelling and edema, and thus the resorption of bumps. Would be great heated salt, egg or other special warming devices.
The thyme and other creeping thyme has a broad spectrum of therapeutic action, including healing. Apply to the bruised fresh leaves of this medicinal plant. There is a perception that thyme helps even restore memory if moisten it with broth head.
Use special medications that will help dissolve the bump on his head. For this you can use the following ointments: "Troxevasin" gel "Rescuer" cream "Gasparikova" and "Troxerutin". Any of these tools spread on the hematoma, the head will stop hurting, and after a few days the swelling will be over.
There is another effective folk method which will help to prevent the appearance of bumps on the head after impact. Take a cotton ball or piece of gauze, folded in several layers and carefully saturate with vegetable oil. Apply a lotion to the site of injury, and hold for 30 minutes, no less. As a result, the redness will come to naught, and a lump may not appear.
Take 100 ml of 96% medical alcohol and the same amount of iodine. All mix and lubricate this part of the lump twice a day – morning and evening. From injury soon will be over.