What is a bruise?

Injury – is damage to the organs or tissues, but the integrity of the skin not broken. Typically, it occurs when a fall or impact.

Most commonly observed injuries of the limbs and head. Fabrics have different resistance to attack, so the extent of damage varies. Most susceptible to injuries of parenchymal organs and subcutaneous tissue. In injuries of this type, usually there is a rupture of small lymphatic and blood vessels, which in turn causes hematoma.

Diagnosis if the injury does not cause almost any difficulties. But in some cases it is necessary to exclude possible damage to the bone. So sometimes the doctor may prescribe x-rays of the damaged section.

Damaged parts of the body need to create peace. On the first day to injury periodically need to apply cold and then heat treatments are desirable because thanks to them, the hematoma will resolve faster.

Ointments from bruises

Quite effective on bruises ointments that contain nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents. In comparison with a bruise where the tissue damage is, you might say, a minor injury requires intensive local therapy. Therefore, it is desirable to apply a product containing diclofenac, Ketoprofen, and ibuprofen.

Ointments of this type are applied on the damaged area three to four times a day, but only if the skin is not damaged. When the swelling is large and dense, an ointment to be applied more often because the drug is absorbed less rapidly.

Also ointment for bruises may include pain, which has incredible decongestant and biodegradable properties. For example, an ointment of Comfrey (often called Larkspur), well resolves hemarthrosis, swelling and neutralize the anesthetic. And in the case of bone injury it accelerates the regeneration of cartilage cells and reduces inflammation.

Good anticoagulant effect have creams and gels containing heparin, for example, "Lioton" or "Heparin ointment". In addition, the effective integrated local remedies such as That" and "Indovazin". They reduce swelling and inflammation.

Quite common ointment has a warming effect, such as "Finalgon", "Apizatron". These tools improve the blood circulation in damaged areas.

Ointment for bruises, you can apply no more than a week. During this period, the swelling should become less and pain and does pass. The hematoma may remain – this is considered normal, but only for 10-14 days. If during this time the damaged area is left unchanged, so the injury is more serious and should consult a doctor.