No matter how you will draw a plan of the premisespreviously you will need to make the necessary measurements. Armed with a tape measure and measure the length and width of each room, the width of all Windows and the distance between them. Measure the distance from the closest corners to the Windows, wide doorways, distance from the closest angles. Measure the width of the inner and outer walls. If the room has niches or ledges, pipes, measure their sizes and their distances from the corners.
If you draw by hand, take a sheet of graph paper. If you do a floor planon which there are premises consisting of several rooms, a convenient scale is 1:50. That is, 1 cm on your plane in reality is equal to 50 cm.
Draw a rectangle the size of one corner of the room, stepping back from the edge of the paper given the fact that plane could be reflected any external objects, such as balconies. Apply outer loop taking into account the thickness of the walls inside and outside, window and door openings, niches and ledges. Stroke the outline, leaving the location of Windows and door openings are not shaded.
Apply to plan of the room adjacent to the corner, and then the whole room. Mark on the plane in which direction the doors open. Apply the location of electrical outlets, stair openings, hatches.