If you bought a puppy from a breeder or cattery, you must be the puppy card, which usually entered information about the parents of your dog, its breed, nickname, seal, color, and date of birth. In addition, it should contain information about you as the owner, and the breeder or kennel. In other words, it is a kind of birth certificate of the dog, almost similar to human.
Take the puppy card and contact your local branch for pedigree RKF. It is best if at this point your dog will be not less than 6 months, as the breeder should have time to share in RKF information about the litter and register them before you turn back.
If you put all documents in order, and in the archives of the RKF received it from a breeder, get a pedigree showing the receipt issued to you when you call to office of the Federation. You will then be able to carry your pet in the domestic exhibition.
If you need to take the dog abroad, make RKF "export" pedigree, in which all the data needs to be written in Latin letters. Note: when transporting dogs by train and plane, you will need to issue a veterinary passport (if you still haven't done), buy a pet ticket and go with him the procedure of chipping, so it's not lost. The vaccination course should be held not earlier than 11 months before travel date. To go to the vet it is early, but not later than 5 days prior to travel.
If you bought a purebred dog in the market or on Craigslist without the puppy dog card, contact the RKF to the experts recognized it as such. You will then be issued to register a pedigree. In other words, the rod will start with your dog. If the dog recognized breed, the only document that you will be able to it to issue a veterinary passport.