If you want to transfer cash to a physical person from your account (for example, open a Deposit in the savings Bank), transfer between accounts can be carried out by debiting funds on Deposit in the Bank account of a natural person. Or the payee can take money in the cash register at the place of treatment. If you have a situation that, while on vacation, you don't have cash, but there is a contribution to the savings Bank, the transfer of funds all contributions can be made in other credit organization on the territory of Russia. Moreover, operations on transfer of money from one account to another can be executed in foreign currency, and through the Bank only in roubles.
If you don't want to stand in line at the Bank to make a transfer, and are an active Internet user, you can activate the service "Sberbank online". Using the ID and password to log in the Internet Bank, which reflects all the information on your accounts. If you need to make a transfer to a natural person, it is enough to select in the main menu, payments and operations. Then respectively transfers and currency exchange, a transfer to an individual. Next you need to specify the recipient's account( it may be the card or account Sberbank or the account of another credit institution). If the payee customer of the savings Bank, it is enough to provide the card number and the amount you wish to Deposit to be debited from your account. Then operation successfully completed. To confirm the transfer, you must specify the passwords that are requested by the system. You can acquire them via SMS, if you are a user of services of mobile payment, or at the ATM of Sberbank.
If the payee's account is not opened in the savings Bank, to transfer cash to your account in the savings Bank in the system "Sberbank online" you need to specify the account number, the name of the recipient completely, INN and residential address. Also provide information on Bank name, BIC, payment and the currency in which it is produced.
If you wish to make funds transfer between your accounts (e.g. salary card on the credit card), it is also possible to carry out using the service "Sberbank online". Menu choose transfers and currency exchange, transfers between your accounts, and putting the name of the account debited and account credited, you enter the amount of the next payment on the loan. The funds arrive instantly.
But if you need to pay an amount to the account of the organization, by choosing field menu translation organizations and services and filling in all the details, you will successfully complete the operation.