Transfer money through Sberbank can be done in several ways:
a. Remittances from the account on the Deposit

Are made by transferring funds from your account in the savings Bank on the Deposit to the Bank account of the recipient. Possible remittances on account of the savings Bank or another Bank. In addition, the transfer may be paid to the recipient in cash at any branch of Sberbank. Cash payments are made only in rubles, foreign currency translation is possible only if the transfer from account to account.
b. Money transfers without opening an account

You will need to be paid to the cashier of the savings Bank the cash that the Bank may credit the beneficiary's Bank account or issue cash in any branch of Sberbank in place. This type of transfer is possible only in rubles.
C. remittances "the Blitz"

A system of urgent remittances between offices of the savings Bank. The transfer of funds is not more than 1 hour. The possible money transfers through Russia and between the Russian savings Bank branches and branches of its subsidiary banks in Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus. Blitz transfer to Russia can only be sent in rubles, in other countries in addition to rubles it is also possible to send dollars and euros. In implementing the blitz translation inform the employee of Bank your full name and passport data of the recipient. The Bank employee will tell the control number of the payment that you will need to inform the recipient of the funds. The possibility of a return to the blitz translation at any point before requesting it by the recipient.
d. International money transfers

Can be made by cash Deposit or by debiting funds from your account on Deposit in the savings Bank. The transfer of money abroad is possible in rubles, dollars and euros. Sberbank carries out international transfers only in certain non-resident banks, with which it signed a special agreement.
Every post office of Russia to provide money transfer service "Cyber Money". Possible not only transfers between post offices of Russia, but also transfers in the post office in some foreign countries.
Money transfers to Russia in the amount of up to 100 thousand rubles are delivered within 3 working days, in excess of 100 thousand rbl. – not later than 5 working days. All international money transfers through the Cyber Money are processed within 2 days.
Transfers are accepted in cash or by crediting to the account of Mail of Russia. The recipient of the transfer is paid in cash, but it is also possible to transfer funds to his Bank account, if the transfer was made in cash.
To transfer employee mail, please send us your full name and postal address of the recipient.
Money transfer systems quite a lot, the most famous of them - money transfers Contact, money transfers Western Union money transfers "Unistream" money transfers Blizko money transfers UNISTREAM and others.
Possible transfers both in Russia and abroad. Some money transfer systems only work with the 'near abroad', some translations literally on any continent.
The separation of the various money transfer systems is usually found in any commercial Bank. Conditions and tariffs for services are different, you can choose among them the most suitable. All information can be found on the official websites of money transfer systems.
Keep in mind that usually when you send money through system of remittances should tell you the verification code of payment, which will need to inform the recipient of the funds.