You will need
  • - classic clothing;
  • - Breakfast;
  • - Cribs for personal use.
No exam preparation is not enough. However, if you don't have time for a full practicing of all tickets handed master the subject in accelerated mode. In any case, don't just memorize the material: reading the response to the ticket, make a kind of cheat sheet for personal use. It should contain a few key thoughts and definitely at least one vivid example. The dry material with unfamiliar terms easy to remember. As a practical example, not only quickly come to mind, but also help to recall the theoretical basis.
Don't make the common mistake of all students who leave preparation to the last day. Confusion in the head secured, because your brain is unlikely to be able to quickly process the enormous amount of information. Ideal - gradual mastery of the subject during the semester and organized repetition for a few day before the exam.
The day before the exam get plenty of sleep, and the morning is to be held in a peaceful atmosphere. Lack of energy can provoke unnecessary anxiety and nerves will not stand at the crucial moment. Eat a light Breakfast, drink coffee and go to school. Try not to be in the queue for a long time: the General nervous atmosphere may affect you not the best way.
While answering be confident, articulate their thoughts, speak correctly and clearly. In no case do not show that you don't know the topic. Try to make the answer interesting: it is at once will increase your chances of success. The teacher hears dozens of similar answers, so new insights and a variety of practical examples will be interested in it. The can help your General knowledge. Usually if a student understands a whole object has its own position and thinks outside the box, a great score is guaranteed even with small defects in the response.
Do not worry if pulled unlearned ticket. Take place to train, calm down and focus. If you were preparing to object, you can construct the answer themselves. Try to remember that I ever heard on this issue. Listen to the answers the dealer colleagues: often students get related tickets, and you can remember something on your topic.