Compile a list of employees who shall join the cleaning. Assign a meeting and discuss all the accumulated problems about this, including material. Every idea should be heard, so that no further problems and no one had to defend their rights. To do this, clearly specify responsibilities.
Select the person who agree to make a schedule of cleaning and to constantly renew it. It can be calculated by week, month ahead. It all depends on the decisions of the team and the degree of contamination. If the schedule is for a week, then cleaning may participate for two or three people that will make it much easier work and allocation of responsibilities. This approach will save much personal time, and no one will strain.
Schedule cleaning always plan ahead and adjust for each requirement. This is necessary so that no quarrels arose. If a conflict is already brewing, then try to find out its true cause and to find a path to reconciliation.
Keep in mind the capabilities of each employee and show respect. Not everyone can be cleaned only on Mondays, or perhaps only a certain number of months. In this case, a schedule is drawn up individually if this is possible, then the staff will solve this problem in working order, exchanging duty with personal agreement.
Carefully arrange and hang in plain view. In the schedule of cleaning , be sure to specify the place and date of compilation, surname, names, patronymics responsible for cleaning and supervising the cleaning, the names of the places cleaning. Must stand essential print, confirmed by the administration of the organization.