Folk medicine says that bringing sand from the kidneys helps the infusion of the roots of wild rose. To prepare it, take two tablespoons of pre-crushed roots, pour 0.5 liters of water and boil it all for about twenty minutes, then leave the mixture for another two hours. This infusion, take half a Cup twice a day, preferably morning and evening.
You can also try the recipe of the sunflower. Take 175 grams of sunflower roots and boil them in one liter of water, then insist that's all for five hours. The broth you want to drink for one day.
Another effective recipe. Take two tablespoons of flax seed, bear ears two tablespoons, pods of dry beans or four tablespoons. It all boil 0.5 liters of water, insist 30 minutes, drink the infusion hot. After 60 minutes it is recommended to drink half a Cup of beet juice. To do so you need three days.
Good results also brings a decoction of nettles. In order to make it, take five or six tablespoons of dry nettle seeds in one liter of water. Then boil and strain. Add the decoction of five tablespoons of dry herb horsetail. Boil again and leave for 30 minutes. Then strain and let cool. The decoction and drink half a Cup on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is for 10 days.
Often the sand of the kidney is removed by this tool. One tablespoon of ammonia dissolve in 0.5 liters of vodka. This tincture take one tablespoon four times a day before meals for three to four days.
Official medicine incorporates and refines the highest quality and the best there is in folk. She came out at the time of folk medicine. Now it's also important to consider several drugs.The first of these Avisan. This product contains the amount of certain substances from the fruit of Ammi dental. It is available in tablets of 50 mg, which is coated with a light shell. Used as a pain reliever spasmodic spasms of the ureter and renal colic. This product promotes discharge of stones and sand from the ureters.
Another pharmacological agent – Pinaʙin. This is a fifty percent solution of heavy fractions of essential oils derived from spruce or pine needles, peach butter. Available solution in vials of orange glass with a volume of 25 ml. is Used mainly in renal colic and urolithiasis.
Cysteinyl – this is one of the best integrated medicines. It contains magnesium salicylate, tincture of madder root, ethyl alcohol, essential oils and olive oil. Produced mainly in the vial with a volume of 10 ml. the Drug relaxes the muscle fibers of the ureter, and thus facilitates the passage of small stones and sand, also has a diuretic effect.