You can cleanse the kidneys with the help of Apple peel. This will zaschite it, erase in a powder. In a glass of water dilute a tablespoon of frayed drugs. Take 3 times a day for 1-2 months. This drink can be consumed as a preventive measure.
Print the sand with a mixture of carrot, beet and cucumber juices. To do this, mix half a Cup of the above juices. Take 3 times a day.2 tbsp grated carrots pour a glass of milk, boil 5 minutes and cool. Take 15 minutes before meal, 1 tbsp Store in the refrigerator.
Well helps to remove sand from kidneys oats. For infusion take 3 cups of untreated oats and pour 4 liters of cold water. Leave for a day. Then bring the infusion to boiling, boil 15 minutes, add 3 tablespoons of dried horsetail and boil all 15 minutes. Leave the infusion for 45 minutes, then strain. Simultaneously with the preparation of infusion pour a liter of boiling water Cup chopped rose hips. Infusion take a glass 3 times a day, and rosehip drink instead of water.The kidneys can also be cleanse diet using oatmeal jelly. To make the jelly, rinse the oats in the husk, pour it into a thermos, pour boiling water and leave for 12 hours. Steamed oats then RUB through a sieve. The resulting mass is eat for Breakfast without salt and sugar. During the day, eat only fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts. Drink fresh juices and herbal infusions. Can afford a little honey. Diet observe the first month, once a week, the second month – every two weeks, the third month once. For prevention need diet day once a quarter.
To help cope with kidney stones the sunflower. In the fall, when the sunflowers will be removed, dig out its roots, remove small rootlets and crush the roots to the size of the beans. Pour 250 g of the obtained raw materials in 3 l of boiling water and cook for 1-2 minutes. Then remove from heat, let cool and strain. This amount of infusion drink for 2-3 days. From the diet at this time, put the vinegar, fatty and spicy dishes. Infusion brew and drink until urine is clear, but at least a month.A portion of the roots can be used up to 6 times, but the cooking time must be increased by 5 minutes each time.
Well displayed the sand in a decoction of parsley. For its preparation plant with root wash, add 1 kg of celery and chop everything. Pour a mixture of one liter of water and boil. Add 0.5 kg of honey and leave for all of 2 days. Then put 0.5 kg of honey, pour a liter of water and bring to a boil. The resulting broth, strain, and drink warm 3 times a day for 3 tbsp to complete the sand. Keep the drug in refrigerator.
Sand in the kidneys and treatment is an important task for those who care about their health. In this article we will talk about how to get rid of the sand in the kidneys, what to do if kidney sand than to treat kidney stones and treat kidney stones herbs. Then it becomes clear how many people live around with this problem, but how to treat kidney stones, know far not all.
Useful advice
Treatment of kidney stones. The use of liquids in quantities that maintain a daily urine output of 1.5 to 2.5 liters of the liquid you can take in the fruit drinks of cranberries or blueberries, mineral water. Daily fluid intake when you calcipotriene the stones shall be not less than 2 — 2,5 liters Diet provides for the restriction of the use of milk, cheese and fish products.