Certification physician attestation or qualification category is carried out voluntarily (at your request). The assessment evaluates the professional qualifications, competence and ability to perform functional duties in your job title.
Before certification, carefully review the regulatory legal acts regulating the issue of certification of physicians: order # 128н dated 19 March 2009 "On the order of getting qualification categories; order No. 835 dated 28 September 2010 "On the Central attestation Commission".
It is important that the specialty (basic, primary, secondary) and education consistent with the nomenclature of specialties and the specialty - your job title. To obtain the second qualification category one of the main requirements is work experience a degree 3 years or more. The first certification is required an attendance of you on the Commission, with confirmation of class certification is held in absentia.
During certification, for the assignment of the first qualification category work experience should be 7 years, with certifications at the highest category is 10 years. A prerequisite for certification is the advanced training on cycles of improvement, with a mandatory exam on the certificate. Not be allowed to take the certification of doctors who have not received professional development in the specialty over the last 5 years of employment.
Doctors to the certification Commission to be tested for HIV. To pass certification you need to prepare a certification business or analytical report on key performance indicators and what is important, be sure to specify new technologies and techniques, applied by you in practice. As a rule, in order to determine the basic requirements for the design of the report, diagram and content.
Qualification category in the specialty (core, shared) obtained the certification fee, valid for 5 years. From the re-certification of exempt mothers who have children under 3 years and pregnant women.