You will need
  • substitute cat milk;
  • a syringe or small Turkey Baster.;
  • - warm cloth or blanket;
  • - warmer.
Consultation of a veterinarian. Weak kitten it is better to take to the doctor. He may have hidden disease, and it requires vaccinations or treatment. All the work on nursing will be in vain if you do not set the time the cause of poor health of the animal.
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Feeding. If the kitten is very small and weak, feeding is the most important part of the whole process of nursing. Feed the kitten every 2 hours, as a small child. It is important to follow the regime. You will need to purchase a special mix, reminiscent of baby food or powdered milk just for kittens. You need to feed through a syringe or the syringe, but not by force. The kitten himself tasted one drop will stick to the jelly. If he refuses, it means he's fed or he is bad. Milk should be warm.
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Surround yourself with warmth and care. If it is not possible to buy a special infrared incubator for a kitten, then do it yourself. For this, put lots of warm cloths or a folded blanket, and the wall box outside overlaid warmers with hot water. You can put a box on a heating pad. However, remember that overheating the cat's house too. To maintain the temperature, equal to 38S.
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