Refrain or limit the use of products that contribute to the formation of excessive mucus: some kinds of porridge, noodles, a variety of sweets, potatoes, cheese, milk, meats, fatty foods, salt, meat, alcohol. We should not exclude from the diet, but it is advisable to limit the consumption of cooked food, yogurt, cheese and yogurt.
Organize your diet properly, that is pay attention to the foods that promotes the removal or preventing the accumulation of mucus. The main diet for this period will be to eat raw food (cooking need what they can not eat raw) and fruit-vegetable diet. However, not all vegetables and fruits can be equally useful.
Products most suitable for this problem: cereals and legumes: buckwheat, barley, rye, lentils, kidney beans; vegetables: asparagus, carrots, broccoli, celery, garlic, radish, cabbage, beets, parsley, onions; fruits: oranges, lime, lemons, grapefruits, pineapples, but the most recommended fruits; seeds and nuts, poppy and sunflower seeds; vegetable oils: mustard oil and sesame oil; spices such as black pepper, Clary sage, anise, fennel seeds, Basil, cinnamon, turmeric, cardamom, cumin, coriander; products of animal origin, whey and buttermilk; sweetness: only the old med.
Engage in physical labor. When excess mucus in the body, is extremely necessary. Will fit a variety of strength exercises. But don't get carried away, because due to heavy load in the body is converted into lactic acid, which contributes to stagnation of mucus. If you want to get rid of excess mucus by using medicines, consult your doctor.