You will need
  • Recipe 1: - breadcrumbs; - cereal; - flour; - cookies. Recipe 2: Hercules; roasted; - manure worms; - breadcrumbs; - vegetable oil; - corn chaff. Recipe 3: - barley; - peas; - millet; - anise oil.
The lure for carp you need to do just before fishing directly on the waterfront. For this stock up in advance of the bucket and all the ingredients of the bait. Pour in a bucket of a kilo of bread crumbs, you can buy them in the store or scroll through a meat grinder dry toasted slices of bread. Next, put 500 g of cereal. It could be oat, barley, millet, wheat. Now add 200 g of ground roasted seeds and mash a packet of biscuits. Mix and dilute with a little water. Be sure to take water directly from the pond. To bait was a viscous, put a little clay or take river sand. If you did everything correctly, the balls of this mixture will not be broken on the water and quickly to disintegrate. They should break up at the bottom for 5-7 minutes. You can check this in shallow water near the shore.
Lure carp before fishing can and thus. Mix in a bucket of ground roasted sunflower seeds, ground oats, chopped worms, vanilla, bread crumbs and corn chaff. In any proportion, only vanillin do not need to put a lot of though carp and loves fragrant bait, over the smell of it will scare away. Add water from the pond and mix to form mass, from which can be molded into bait balls. For viscosity also need clay.
Good lures for carp and long holds in fishing this bait. Put in a bucket of steamed barley, steamed peas, millet and anise oil for flavor. Again, you decide how much of what you take, the right ratio is chosen based on experience, because the fish in different waters may behave differently.
In cool weather to lure carp good bloodworms. Hack it and add to the recipe bait balls. Other things, like any other stuffed animal (worm, maggot) if you are going to use it for fishing.