In that case, if you are temporarily not working, work book you have, its copy can be notarized. He, as a specialist, advice is not needed. If you are working, work book is kept at the place of work and the issuance of an employee (even in his written statement, cannot be. You can get only its copywhich is certified and issued by the personnel service of the employing organization. After receipt of the application with a request to issue a certified copy, it is required to prepare for a period of not more than 3 days. Perform a copy as you can by hand (to rewrite or repost) and Photocopying (which is preferable). To assure made a copy two ways:
1. On each page of the copy shall be recorded with the following content:
• true (or true copy);
• the position of the employee responsible for maintaining, storing and issuing of work books (for example, specialist in personnel management);
• personal signature of the certifying person;
• signature;
• date of certification.
This post certainly put the seal of the enterprise or HR Department.2. All sheets of copies can be stitched, numbered, stapled the sheets to seal of the enterprise (bound and numbered a certain number of sheets) and writing the above content.
Separately it should be noted that the copy of the employment history that you will carry to the Bank for a loan, must meet additional requirements. So, you need to assure her it was for the first option (every page). Here is an example.
On the last page of the copy after the final entry is the next sequence number filled in the column:
• date - written date of certification;
• "data on acceptance, moving, dismissal" - is "continues to work at the moment."
Then, the position, signature and full name, as stated above (a sample of the final recording).