If you learn to deal with the cause of failure, then in half the cases you will be able to fix it. To fix the speaker can be quite simple screwdriver. Sometimes in the case are a soldering iron, extra wire, glue, gum and other unexpected materials. It is worth considering that modern loudspeakers have a fineness of organization, therefore, to fix them more difficult. On the other hand they are better protected, and it reduces the risk of breakage.

Here is a small list of breakdowns and ways of dealing with them.

  1. If the dynamics of the bent membrane, you can try to restore its shape. This should be done very carefully, as a disruption of the structure is irreversible and may worsen the situation.

  2. The membrane is attached to the diffuser, sometimes the problem of noise and rattles in it. It could be damaged. So you need to very carefully spin dynamics and replace the diffuser. Mending in such a situation is quite complicated, and then it's better just to replace the entire speaker.

  3. Problems can occur because of the clogging dynamics. Most often dust, rust or debris get between the magnet and the coil. This leads to the fact that the speaker starts to emit the "extra" sounds. Everything is simple. Gently rotate the housing and get to the speaker. Then wrap the match cotton soaked in alcohol and remove the debris. It is important not to disturb the wires and connection dynamics.

  4. If it was broken or broken wires that go to the cone, then you need to restore them. In this case, to repair the speaker only with a soldering iron. Failure becomes the result of constant vibration in dynamics, to prevent the wires need to be strengthened.

  5. One of the most difficult options is when the magnet dynamics "leads". Most often this happens because of the proximity of other magnets, temperature changes. Here is one recipe – replacing the magnet, and better dynamics overall. So how to choose a magnet of the same strength can be difficult.

  6. If you have violated the integrity of the "plate dynamics", you should try to replace it or to make these out of paper. The latter is very short-lived and uncertain.

In General, speakers repair is not difficult, important to have at least the basic concepts in the physics of sound and acoustics. If you want to avoid such trials, buy dynamics of the closed type, and in case of breakage just change them.