Accept the gap. Some women and after breaking up with lover continue to keep returning in thought to ending the relationship, constantly wondering what they did wrong, and what would happen if in that situation they did differently. These thoughts are useless. History does not know subjunctive mood. Realize that what happened had to happen and deal with it.
If the gap was caused by men, to your feelings about the breakup is added resentment and anguish of wounded pride. Woman can months to torture yourself and to irritate old wounds, because it can not accept the fact that she chose someone else. In this situation, please be careful not to blame him or yourself. Myself to blame never needs, but if you will accuse him, in your soul breaks out the hatred that will not bring nothing but destructive emotions. Just tell yourself that your ex-lover moved out of the way of the person who will make you truly happy, and boldly go further.
Get rid of everything that reminds you of him: his pictures, gifts, forgotten items in your apartment. Erase his number from your phone and remove it from friends in social networks. Do not go in the company of where to meet him. Explain to your friends that want to meet your ex lover and ask them not to mention him in conversation.
If you want to talk about it with her friends, and over time that desire has not waned, try to rein him in. Empty talk about the same do not carry anything productive, and it does not allow you to mentally break up with him. Ask friends to stop all discussions with your former lover. If you want to comment – write what you want to say on paper, then burn it.
Pack your day with things to have had a minute to collapse on the couch and fall into despair. Sports, learning a foreign language or in any other case that has long wanted to do but never got to it. Come home tired enough to just wanted to fall into bed and sweet sleep. If you will be able to sustain this regime at least a couple of weeks, you are surprised to see how far he has pushed thoughts about your former lover.