Exam in the traffic police consists of three stages: theoretical exam, the exam site, the exam in the city.
The first examination on the theory of traffic rules. On the exam you are given 4 tickets with 4 questions in each. You may make no more than 2 errors. How to cheat fail - the exam is given on a special simulator and correct answers are read automatically. The results of this exam allow you or not allow before the date of the exam at the site.
The exam at the site consists of the execution of certain elements of driving: acceleration, braking, the way to the overpass, parallel Parking, Parking in a box. The exam is taken by car traffic, so when you learn in driving school, find out ahead of time which car will be the delivery of the exam. Usually, this model of Vase, and choose this machine. Unless you have experience and muscle memory, you will be hard to get to another machine and immediately go. Everything in it is different - and the clutch and brake. And the chances of error you have.
The next step - exam in the city. You have to show your driving skills in city traffic. Trip itineraries are always about the same. There may be minor deviations specified by the inspector, takes the exam. But when you are given a task to turn on a particular street, to Park, always look at the signs and road markings. Inspectors of their tricks to confuse you. It is better to walk the area over which you will have to go and identify all the signs, the possible absurdity of labeling and signs. View all pedestrian crossings and traffic lights with additional sections.