An exam to confirm the skills of vehicle control takes place in three stages: passing a theoretical part, driving in the specialized area and drive around the city. If you prepare yourself well enough, you will be able to pass all the exams in one day.
At each stage there are only two grades: "passed" or "failed". Moreover, if you are not able to cope with the theoretical part, to drive around the city you will not allow. As a rule, all needed for the delivery of documents draws driving school.
On the appointed day you need to be in OGIBDD. They need to sign the application and register, next to the special window. Then with your passport and the completed application form, please go to the exam class. Then the documents are given to the staff of GAI and starts the exam.
For the implementation of the theoretical part is 20 minutes. The exam is held on computers. Your name will be listed on the monitor. Twenty questions of the ticket can make no more than two errors. Once the exam is to be put, and the result is known, you can move on to other stages. The results of the theoretical part are valid for three months.
In the second stage you will need to perform a number of exercises. All practical steps are on the car in which the student was trained, and in the presence of an instructor who taught him. The process of delivery, usually recorded on a digital camera, so you will be able to challenge the decision of the inspector. First, you need to introduce yourself.
In the exam you have to perform only three tests out of five, studied at the driving school. What, the inspector will be notified before the delivery. Will be mandatory to attend only one "Starting to lift".
Start driving only when you tell the instructor. If you drop or touches at least one of the posts, the exam will be considered not handed in.
Followed by driving in city traffic. This is the most difficult stage at which "collapses" the most. You have to demonstrate all the knowledge that you got the training, and also to show some personal qualities: attentiveness, caution, prudence.
You will drive one of the test routes, which generally contain complex intersections. Even if the inspector gave you any indication, you really them consider and inspect the signs. The examiner carries out fixing all the mistakes and completed tasks in the control sheet.