You will need
  • - Libra
Regularly weigh the baby on a baby scale. If no outdoor use: stand on the scale without the child, note your weight, then take the baby and weigh together. Subtract from the result your body weight, and you will learn weight child. Do not try to daily monitor gain: to obtain an objective picture enough to do it 1 time a week.
In medical literature you can find different methods of calculating the optimal body weight of a child up to one year. According to one, the average healthy, full-term kid needs to add 800 grams per month, that is, the formula of approximate calculation will look as follows:
M (g) = m +800n where
m – the body weight of the child at birth;
n – age in months.
Another technique involves the gradual reduction of the monthly increments by 50 g, starting from 4 months. For convenience, focus on the following indicators:
1 month – 600 gr;
2 months – 800 g;
3 months – 800 g;
4 months – 750 g;
5 months 700 g;
6 months – 650 g;
7 months – 600 g;
8 months – 550 g;
9 months – 500 g;
10 months – 450 g;
11 months – 400 g;
12 months – 350
Children gain weight differently: some more rules, some less. If your child is gaining weight slower than expected, it is likely that he never eats or sick, so be sure to consult your doctor. The pediatrician will prescribe you the feeding scheme, in which the needs of the baby will be carried to the full, because malnutrition may lead to delays in motor development.
You can calculate the approximate volume of food (V), which is daily to the child, focusing on the formula:
- for children under 2 months: V = 800 – 50(8-n), where n – age of child in weeks;
for children older than 2 months: V = 800 + 50(n-2), where n – age of child in months.
If the child gains weight more than you should, don't worry about overfeeding him. The little guy knows how much he needs milk or formula, and if they eat too much, you will vomit. In addition, not all children gain weight evenly in the first months of the baby can add a lot, and the next less, and it is not a deviation from the norm.