You will need
  • shampoo;
  • - a towel
  • - comb;
  • drops;
  • spray;
  • - alcohol.
How to determine if a cat has fleas? First, regularly brush the coat of the pet. This will not only help get rid of dead hair, but also to assess the condition of the skin. Second, they often pay attention to the behavior of cats. If she began to scratch the hind legs, ears, neck or nibble on her tail, she probably has fleas.
Before you apply whether a different treatment, bathe the cat. Pour into a basin or bath with a little water, whose temperature should be about 37-38 degrees. The animal is not afraid of the noise of water jets, shower it with the shower or out of the scoop. Avoid getting water in the ears, otherwise there is a risk of otitis media. Wash the fur with a special flea shampoo, and rinse it and dry one or two towels.
As to bathe a cat more than 1 time in 2 months is not recommended, to prevent fleas, you can use drops. They are applied topically to the places to which the cat, vylizyval will not be able to reach (usually on the withers). It is advisable to put drops of pure wool, but depending on the composition, can be exceptions. In addition, the dosage depends on the weight and age of the animal, so before use carefully read the instructions.
Instead of drops to clean hair spray from fleas. It's enough to repeatedly spray the cleaner over the cat to a slight wetting of the wool. This procedure is preferably carried out every two weeks. The advantages of spray in the fact that they can be treated and cat litter, which accumulates a lot of harmful bacteria and parasites.
To get the fleas in young kittens, don't use chemicals. For treatment use a special comb with frequent teeth. With their help, carefully visivite kitten through the day, paying particular attention to the area behind the ears and the muzzle. Fleas will stay on the comb, and to destroy them, treat it with alcohol.