The first thing to do is, of course, to call on an existing home phone number. You can hear the voice of a friend or talk to someone who may know his present address.
If the new owners home number will not be able to help you, find the telephone directory of the city, which presumably is home to your friend. Compare his name and phone number and view the list of offered addresses. When you specify the street and number, go to this address and talk to the neighbors to find out the apartment number. Most often, this method does not give meaningful results, since all directories telephone directories are periodical publication and information on their pages, quickly becomes irrelevant.
Use the electronic version of the Handbook – it is constantly updated, therefore we can hope that provided data for the addresses are outdated. Download to your computer directory then use any search engine to determine the city of residence of your friend according to the code of the phone number. When you know a city name, select it from the list in the electronic directory from the window that appears, enter the home phone number and click "Search". The system processes your request and displays the address data the registration of your friend.
In addition to the Handbook, you can use paid search engine websites. Find one of these sites, follow the link and enter the information that will be needed for the search. Then enter mobile number and click "Search". After some time in your cell phone will receive the SMS in which you will see access code. Enter this code into the window on the website, log in and get the right information about the address of your friend.