You will need
  • - electronic telephone directory;
  • - access to the Internet;
  • - reference service;
  • - the assistance of the police.
If the subscriber is in Russia (this can be determined by the first number or code, telephone number), use the electronic phone book "Doublegis". To find and download it on the Internet absolutely free. It collected information on all the major cities of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Italy. After you install a program on your computer, run it, select your country and city and fill out the search (enter the phone number of the desired subscriber). Click "Find". The program can also be used in on-line mode, and installing a special version on your mobile phone.
Visit the online resource Enter a search string the phone number of the wanted man and other known data. Click "Search". On this site it is possible to organize search in the following countries: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia and Moldova.
Call the referral service of the city, which include the phone number of the person whose address you are looking for. Single room reference services on the territory of the Russian Federation is considered to be 09 or 090 (if the call is made from a mobile phone).
If the person you're looking for made any action, rastsenivaya as illegal, contact the police. They have a great potential in terms of tracing missing people.
If you have any additional data other than phone numbers (such as name and surname of the person), you can organize it search in popular social networks such as "Classmates", "My world", Tvitter, Facebook, etc; using the program ICQ ("ICQ), or simply by entering the name and phone number of the person sought in the search bar of your browser.