Find a quiet place to meditsiiniliste time and peaceful place where you can relax and meditate. It is very important that there were no distractions.

Breathe and rasslablyayuschaya comfortable position before you begin the meditation. Clear your mind of all the negative and extraneous thoughts. Breathe and enjoy the silence of the space around you.

Call your angelWhen you're ready and you feel that you have reached the state of absolute rest consciousness, ask your guardian angel to appear to you. Imagine yourself in a peaceful place such as a hidden garden or in the woods. It is important to identify your desire to meet with him and its willingness to do so. Do not forget that the guardian angel is an entity in the form of energy or beings of light. It can take any form.
Talk to your angel-guardianangel closer to you, ask him his name. You can ask your angel about specific aspects of your life or ask him for help and support. You can also ask if there's a guardian angel of some news or advice for you.

Say goodbye and thank you will angelpollogol your guardian angel for the responses and guidance. When you are ready, close your eyes and breathe deeply, then slowly open your eyes and let your mind focus on the ordinary setting.

Be sensitive and prislushivayutsya guardian angels communicate with people through dreams or when a person is in a state between sleep and wakefulness. Sometimes they send messages that a person receives through intuition or in the surrounding signs and symbols. If you have a strong sense of confidence in something, for example, a strong need to go to some place, to any person or any other gut feeling, follow it. Perhaps your guardian angel is trying to contact you.

Keep a diary of his meetings with the angel-KeeperWrite it all down, what he was talking about you and your angel. Create a list of all his tips and feelings during each contact. Every dream and every encounter with the angel-Keeper has meaning and purpose. As you browse our diary later you gradually come to realize and deeply understand the meaning of these meetings.

All the time. Don't expect every meditation will be successful. If during meditation your guardian angel, all does not appear, he will appear at another time or in another form, for example, through signs and premonitions.
Useful advice
You must apply to guardian angel not only for advice and answers to questions about life, but on the way to greater insight. People need to learn to efficiently interact with them to gather all the positive energy and answers for enlightenment and a better understanding of the meaning of his life.