Place the screenshot in the clipboard of the operating system — press Print Screen.
If you insert the screenshot should be in a text document, and you have the ability to use Microsoft Office Word, the procedure is very simple. Running the program and downloading a desired document, set the input cursor to the place of future location of the screenshot. Then use the insert operation: select this item in the context menu or press Ctrl + V. After you insert the screenshot, it will be possible to adjust the size of the document using the tools for more tab "picture tools: Format".
If the screenshot you want to insert in posts on web forums, blogs, social networking sites or any other Internet resources, it will have to be saved to a file. Word with this, as its stored format of the document will not be displayed in the web page as an image. Use, for example, a standard graphics editor for Windows — MS Paint. Look in the main OS menu link to run it and open the app. This will automatically create a blank document. Press Ctrl + V, and the document will be inserted contained in the memory screenshot.
"Hot keys" Ctrl + S invoke the file save dialog and in the "file Type", select jpeg, gif or png. In the field "file Name" be sure to replace the name "Untitled" to something else, made up of Latin letters. It should be done, as many web scripts can not work with Cyrillic file names.
Attach the screenshot file to the message. The order of actions on different web-sites can be the same or different, depending on which scripts are used on these sites. For example, in social network "Vkontakte" to insert the screenshot, click on "add" under the right edge of the input field of the message. In the popup list, select "Photo", and opened in a separate window, click Browse. Start a standard dialog box for file search in the computer. Find the created screenshot, select it, and click Open. Then reduced the image preview will appear below the typed message, and it can be submitted.