Make it a rule in your shop to record every item sold in a special notebook. Put it at the cash register and ask the sellers at the daily report, how many and what goods were sold.
Get in your computer the file in Word Excel. For each month a separate page. In the first column write down all the names of the goods from a range of shops, including weight, manufacturer, packaging. For example, mayonnaise "Ryabushka", LLP Вкусноfood, 100 gr. soft packing. In the second column write how it was brought the goods this month. If you purchase the item more often than once a month, each build upon the new figure. Third count – for the quantity of goods sold – add it every day at the end of the day. In the fourth write the rest. Also today, you can find a lot of special computer programs that allow the account. You can buy them in specialty stores or search the Internet.
When the supplier brings the goods, count them all, make sure that the number agrees with the figures in the documents of the supplier. Don't forget to note the number of received product in a computer file.
At the end of each month conduct an audit. Counts the product on the shelves in the store and in the warehouse. At the same time, immediately check out whether the expiration date of any product. Such goods immediately set it aside. In order not to lose the profit of these goods, negotiate in advance with suppliers that are not sold the goods they exchanged for fresh. Compare the number of products on the shelves with the rest of your computer file. Numbers should match.
But it is best to conduct the account in a grocery store using trade automation. If the profit of your retail outlet allows for further investments in business development, set at the checkout, a special scanner, and program for reading barcode itself will take, how many and what goods are sold, and how many were not implemented.