If you want to change the tariff plan, please review the terms of its provision and list of services. Note that the set of services, tariff plans and payment vary depending on the region. Therefore, upon receipt of information necessary to specify whether it is for the inhabitants of your region.
To get more information about the new tariff, you can use the official site of OJSC "MegaFon". When the page is loaded in the upper pane, select the region you are registered in your account, for example, Saint Petersburg.
Hover over the words "Rates" and select the appropriate option. Just start loading a new page, where there will be a list of various tariff plans.
You can sort the list depending on your preferences, for example, you most often communicate with subscribers in other cities or even countries. Click on the tab with this option, then select the desired tariff plan. Here you can get information about the calls, SMS messages, monthly fees and other services.
Change of the tariff plan by sending a message to the number 000500. The text should include your questions or request to change the tariff. This service is valid only for individuals. If you represent a legal entity, to change the tariff, please contact the office of services to corporate clients.
Change the rate using the self-service system, which is called "Service Guide". Please, visit the company's official website, choose your region, find the appropriate link to login and enter your information. Then in the main menu, locate the option "Tariffs" and select the checkbox corresponding to the tariff plan you are interested in. At the end confirm and save the changes.