Start your browser and open the site Go to your personal page by entering your username and password. Be careful when entering data if you several times enter the combination incorrectly, the system may take this for hacking. Go to the person hidden data which you wish to view.
Find out the ID (unique number) of the user. For this study closely link to the page. It should end with the number located after the symbol "equal". This combination of numbers is need for further action.
Place the cursor in the address bar, enter add after the equal sign, the ID of the user to view the hidden pictures. Press enter, and after some time they are downloaded.
Try also can view hidden photo albums using the links, and videos Don't forget to add in the end of the row a unique number of the user.
Try to view the pages using the site More than half of the users of this social network come here through him. For example, to view the enclosed photos, use the link The word user, replace the name of the user or its ID. After the photo indicate the photo number. Often it is determined automatically.
Follow the updates of the sites, to spread information about the so-called "holes", with which it is possible to circumvent the established creators of this website rules. However, not always these methods benefit and are safe. Just try to ask the person to add you as a friend and you will be able to view the page. The website is also being constantly improved, and many of the well-known "loopholes" gradually cease to function.