All profiles in a social network "Classmates" by default, open. Make them available (to hang on the profile of the castle) only for the money. To order the service, you need to go to the website and enter in appropriate boxes your username and password. Login e - mail address he indicated when registering on the website.
Once you have entered your profile in a social network "Schoolmates" menu under the main photo on the left, in the top corner. There will be a button "Close profile". It hangs on page lock. It is a paid service, and to activate it you will need to credit your personal account in the network "Odnoklassniki".
It is most advantageous to replenish the account by credit card. To do this, enter its number in appropriate box, and specify three numbers, which are on the reverse side of the card, near the signature. Within a few minutes the account will be debited the correct amount, and the service will be activated.
Also to pay for the service Closed profile in a social network "Schoolmates" it is possible via payment terminals. To do this, find the icon with the logo of the social network on the display apparatus. Click "Deposit". Specify in the resulting window, mobile phone number (you will receive a special code). To Deposit money. When you receive an SMS with a code, you enter it on the website via the link "Close profile" on your personal page. When the money is written off from the account, the service is paid, then the profile is closed.
To pay "private profile" with the help of a mobile phone. This option is quite costly - removed a very large Commission. To refill the account in social network "Odnoklassniki", you need to send SMS to short number specified on the website. After this account number will be debited a certain sum, part of which will appear on the user page. The money you can to pay for the service "private profile".