Conventionally, cosmetologists can be divided into several groups — nurse on cosmetic procedures, dermatologist and plastic surgeon. The nurse at the cosmetic procedures generally performs simple operations — massage, masks, facial cleansing, waxing, body wraps. Specialist-dermatologist can identify your skin type, select cosmetics, give recommendations on skin care. Plastic surgeons also refer to the beauticianm. These professionals perform a truly jewelry work, correcting defects of appearance.
In order to start working in this area, medical education, ideally a specialty of a dermatologist. If you have a General medical education, in this case, you will need to take courses cosmetologists. Studying such courses, lasting on average from a couple of months to half a year. Naturally, the longer you study, the more knowledge you get.
When choosing a school be sure to ask which document is received at the end. Usually employers give preference to the state certificate because it has more weight than international diplomas, which gives many of the courses. It is therefore necessary to carefully select courses that further you did not have problems with employment.
Also need to figure out which teachers will lead the courses. Ideally, if the classes are practicing cosmetologists, and the theory is alternated with practice. In addition, classrooms should be equipped as a cosmetic office. Such conditions will allow students more practice. Alleged patients, the training can become your classmates or invited models.
Because in the field of cosmetology is continually expanding with new methods of treatment, new drugs and procedures, you will need to constantly study and attend seminars. Continuous training, the ability to use the most modern means of cosmetology will attract new customers to you.
But knowledge alone is not enough. The profession of a cosmetologist involves a constant communication with the client, so a specialist should always be friendly and be able to hold a conversation. Need beautician and knowledge of psychology, because some customers come to the doctor with imaginary problems, and its purpose is to explain to the person that he is mistaken. Sometimes specialist are people who just want to relax, relax, gain a good mood, and the task of the doctor in this case — to the person after the procedure wanted to go back to reception to him.