You will need
  • - wear bright colors
  • - acrylic paint for fabric,
  • - contour,
  • - palette
  • hard brushes of different sizes,
  • - a sheet of paper,
  • - scissors,
  • - soft pencil
  • - cardboard or other material which can be put under the painted cloth,
  • - iron.
Good wash and athlete clothes you decorate. For convenience, it is better to fix the pins on a dense surface, which is not afraid to get dirty. A shirt you can pull on the box to smooth the surface of the fabric and protect the back from stains. If the picture is not too large, smooth and pin the fabric helps the Hoop.
Select the image and prepare the template. For this purpose the contours of your invented drawing needs to be transferred to a sheet of paper. Image found on the Internet, simply print out.
If the fabric is thin, simply place the template under it and draw over the outlines with a lead pencil. If the thickness of the fabric allows you to see the template through, you can cut the pattern along the contour. The resulting stencil will put a cloth on top, if necessary, secure with pins and draw over the pencil.
Circle drawing a contour (it is applied directly from the tube without requiring dilution). This will prevent the paint spread beyond the image. Allow the outline to dry.
Gently apply the paint to the fabric, being careful not to go beyond the outline. The paint can be taken directly from the jar, and if you want to mix several colors, use the palette or a small light container. Instead of brushes you can use a spatula, palette knife or other convenient object. Acrylic paint is not recommended to dilute with water, it is better to get a special solvent. but often the consistency of the paint does not require dilution.
Take a picture of. To pin the pattern on the clothes, have to wait for paint to dry, and then iron the fabric with a wrong side a hot iron for 3-5 minutes. The temperature must match the type of fabric clothes. If the fabric is synthetic, it is better to iron it from the front, protecting drawing a sheet of paper or thin cotton cloth.