You can't treat a cough alone and the means that are recommended that people without medical training. It is impossible to seek help on the Internet – the doctor does not hear the way you're coughing, can't listen to your breath, and to make an accurate diagnosis without these diagnostic procedures is impossible.

What is a cough?

Cough is a natural reflex of our body that performs the function of cleansing the Airways. Unwanted and harmful micro-particles while coughing out of the mouth of a person with a speed of 120 meters per second!

Where did that come from?

The surface of the Airways (bronchial tree) of a person covered in slime. When we breathe, this mucus collects inside and does not let the dust particles, bacteria and viruses. In addition, the bronchi are lined with cilia (blinking epithelium) that propel mucus upward and push out with her unwanted "guests".

During the disease the mucus becomes thick, the cilia can't do their work, the result of the bronchi become clogged and the body is forced to include the natural protective function – coughing. With his help, with true hurricane force, the Airways get rid of pathogenic phlegm. That is why the initial task is to ensure a productive cough, sputum discharge.

What cough how to treat

Cough develops in stages, and each of them require directed treatment, i.e., different means. The main goal of treatment is not to allow the cough to come down.

Cough top with SARS

Dry cough, throat, exhausting, coming by fits, starts in contact with viruses on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. He is one of the most unpleasant, not giving to sleep at night, but also the safest, according to doctors. Phlegm dry cough in the bronchi is almost there. It accumulates in the nasopharynx and flows down her back wall, causing the cough reflex of the patient.

Treatment– bed rest home. The medication usually is not necessary. To facilitate attacks you can use a large number of warm drink berry teas with honey, with warm mineral water. Very good for washing out the nose with saline based on the broth of herbs (licorice, chamomile), soda inhalation.

Barking cough laryngitis

The development indicates laryngitis barking cough, sore throat and loss of voice. These symptoms indicate that the inflammatory process moved to the throat, and began the dangerous disease – laryngitis.

Treatment– humidification or sessions of inhalation with a nebulizer. Use essential oils in the first days of the disease is not recommended. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to talk Oh and if you really need very little and whisper.

Laryngitis is especially dangerous for children under 3 years. May occur edema of the larynx. Therefore, if the child had a barking cough, you need to show it to a qualified doctor.

Dry cough when trachea

Inflammation of the lining of the trachea suggests that the disease came down even lower. Starts out dry cough, attacks which plagued the patient in the morning and when there is a sudden change in temperature environment, for example when going outside or coming home. Sputum in trachea is very small and it's difficult to separate (clears throat).

Treatment– inhalations with soda solution, and the reception of the expectorant drugs. At home you can prepare a decoction of licorice root or of the leaves mother and stepmother, sage.

Cough with bronchitis

Incorrect or untimely, unskilled treatment of colds and flu provokes the development of bronchitis. Characterized by a deep, whistling, wheezing cough. Phlegm with bronchitis a lot, it acquires a greenish tint, is difficult to cough.

Treatment– expectorant drug with bronchodilator properties. Appoint such drugs to himself it is impossible in any case. This can only be done by the attending physician after a full course of diagnostics, detailed examination, listening to the breathing and, if necessary, x-ray examination. If the bronchitis was diagnosed at an early stage, it is possible to treat without antibiotics.

Deep cough with pneumonia

Deep and painful cough, accompanied by pain in breast is a symptom of inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia). Do not self medicate!!!

Treatment– medical care, without options! Treatment is with antibiotics that are prescribed after the collection and study of biological materials. Pneumonia can be viral and bacterial. Drugs is selected in accordance with the type of the causative agent.

Chronic cough – where?

If the cough persists even after drug treatment for more than 14-20 days, then the cause is likely not infectious.

Allergic cough

Cough may be a manifestation of allergic reactions, for example, dust or mold and plant pollen. This cough can evolve into asthma, so it is very important to determine the source of the threat (the allergen) and to exclude the patient contact him. To identify the allergen you can only use the medical diagnosis.

A heart cough

Lingering dry cough can indicate heart problems, for example, to a defect or heart failure. For a heart is characterized by attacks of coughing at night, after exercise, shortness of breath, blue discoloration of the skin. In addition, to stimulate the cough reflex can some drugs, the effect of which is aimed at reducing blood pressure.

It is important to understand that whatever cough, curing it yourself can't! To determine the type of the disease and prescribe adequate and effective treatment can only specialist.