Composition and useful properties of garlic

Garlic has long been known as an excellent germicide. It has been grown, eaten and used as medicines by the ancient Egyptians. In their codices, several dozens of recipes for potions based on the garlic juice.

Currently, garlic is used not only as a bright addition to a variety of dishes, but also as an effective therapeutic agent. The composition of this product contains large amounts of antioxidants, nitrogenous substances and essential oils, sodium, potassium, selenium, phosphoric acid, vitamins C and D, extractives, volatile. Numerous scientific studies have confirmed that garlic effectively fights blood clots, reduces cholesterol, reduces blood pressure, strengthens the immune system.

Research conducted at Minnesota state University Iowa (USA), proved that regular consumption of garlic in the food prevents or stops the development of certain cancers. So, after survey results from 42 thousand older women revealed that those who ate garlic at least once a week, two times less likely to have cancer of the rectum.

Why want garlic

Phytoncides, contained in garlic, are a powerful tool to fight various infections (pneumonia, dysentery, arteriosclerosis, herpes, stomatitis, acute viral diseases, urolithiasis, tuberculosis and other). It is the presence of volatile in the product has allowed scientists to draw the following conclusion: the organism that requires garlic, attacking disease-causing microbes or viruses, and it is in dire need of protection from harmful environmental factors.

Can garlic be harmful to the body?

Garlic-based created many effective recipes for combating various diseases. But we should not forget that excessive consumption of this product may affect the General condition of the body. After all, volatile garlic kill not only pathogenic microbes, but also destroys the beneficial microflora. Should not take garlic in the presence of anemia, gastritis, epilepsy, acute diseases of the kidneys and liver. In addition, it was found that garlic has a detrimental effect on clear thinking. Taking this product many people causes distraction, inattention and fatigue.