Fish - a source of infection opisthorchiasis

The main source of infection opistorhisov is a sick person or animal feces with the eggs of worms into the water. In the future swallow the eggs of a snail, in which the developing parasite larvae - cercaria. Then they go into the water and contaminate the fish. A lot of cercariae present in fish carps (IDE, crucian carp, Dace, roach, roach, Rudd, carp and bream. In the subcutaneous tissue and muscle of cyprinid fish is the transformation of cercariae into metacercariae. Most people infected with opisthorchiasis by eating raw (thawed, frozen) fish containing metacercariae helminth and fish that is not the one which is not fried, cooked or salted.

When injected into the stomach capsules metacercarial destroyed, the larvae break gialinovo shell in the duodenum and fall from there into the gallbladder, bile ducts and pancreas. When re-infestation infestation increases. Life expectancy opistorhisov can be 20-30 years. Worms destroy mucous bile and pancreatic ducts, preventing the flow of bile, have a toxic effect, allergenic, lead to the appearance of cystic and extension of liver tumors.

Opisthorchiasis symptoms, prevention of infection

Opisthorchiasis manifested by the following symptoms: pain in joints and muscles, increased body temperature, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, enlarged spleen, tenderness, and enlargement of the liver, allergic skin rash, headache, dizziness, insomnia, increased irritability, frequent changes of mood. The disease is characterized by prolonged course, possible frequent exacerbations. For acute opisthorchiasis characterized by aching muscles and joints fever, pain in the right hypochondrium, hives, pain in the stomach increase in size of the liver and gallbladder.

Diagnosis of opisthorchiasis is difficult because of the lack of symptoms characteristic for this disease. Analysis of feces and duodenal juice can be carried out only a month after the infection, when the worms begin to lay eggs. The initial stage of the disease may manifest itself by fever, hepatomegaly, eosinophilic leukocytosis. To prevent the development of opisthorchiasis't butcher the fish on a separate Board. Follow the rules of heat treatment of fish. Never try the crude product. Salt it according to the rules, do not give raw fish a pet.