Consult an endocrinologist and undergo a complete examination. Since nodes can be malignant, without consulting with a specialist you can not start treatment even innocuous herbs. If the nodes does not grow very fast and you can wait on the operation, refer to the help of natural ingredients.
Buy pharmacy powder from the leaves of the sea caputy, it is rich in iodine, which promotes the resorption of seals in the thyroid gland. Use about 1 teaspoon at night, drinking plenty of fluids. Course of treatment should be 15-30 days. If you don't want to take the powder of sea Kale, buy drugs containing iodine.
Take about 40 pieces of dairy walnuts. Rinse well, lay it flat on a towel to the water is a little wrap. Pour 1 liter of fresh honey (liquid). Insist month in a dark place, shaking occasionally capacity. Take a teaspoon before meals three times a day. This mixture helps very fast growths in the thyroid begin to disappear.
10 lemons, wash, wipe and squeeze the juice from them. Chop fresh garlic (10 heads). Mix honey, garlic, lemon juice and steep for about 7 days. A day take about 4 teaspoons of the healing mixture, slowly dissolving.
Buy the grass cinquefoil silver. Brew 1 tablespoon in 200 ml of boiling water. Take 50 ml 4 times a day for 1 month. Be sure to go through the ultrasound procedure. Cinquefoil silver should help treat your illness. After the examination it will become clear there are improvements or not, and whether to continue treatment with traditional methods. If there are improvements, drink the broth courses: 30 days take 10-15 to make a break.
If the treatment does not produce any results, let us operate. Do not pull and wait for the miracle happens. With the rapid growth of nodes to hesitate at all. Follow the advice of a specialist.