Using coprological methods (examination of stool) can identify the presence of parasites in the human body. A lab technician finds in smears of the parasite eggs under a binocular microscope, but the performance of coprological study is only 10-20%. Fence all tests for laboratory examinations of patients performed in clinical diagnostic laboratories or diagnostic center medical staff. For the diagnosis of enterobiasis scraping is used for the detection of pinworms. To conduct the study on enterobiasis the patient is taken to the material of the outer imprint the perianal folds.
It is considered the most reliable serological method. The method consists in determining the blood type-specific antibodies to certain helminths. But this method detects the infection only in the later stages of the disease. Most modern and latest method is a method of vegetative resonance testing. To conduct research on the detection of parasites in the human body using special sensors to ensure the registration of electromagnetic waves.
Patients with obvious clinical symptoms of giardiasis but negative results scatological study of feces, it is advisable to conduct laboratory research postgraduate students 12 duodenal ulcer or graduate student from the upper jejunum.The most reliable and reliable method of diagnosis of giardiasis is considered a duodenal biopsy, which is carried out in stationary conditions. Fermentatively immunosorbent analysis and immunoelectrophoresis are used by many laboratories to isolate Giardia antigen in feces. For this purpose, a rabbit antiserum against Giardia. The sensitivity of immunoelectrophoresis is 98%.
Haemo scanning of an is the modern method of diagnosing parasites a drop of blood using the darkfield microscope in real time, the picture displayed on the monitor and allows you to observe and evaluate all changes in the blood. During the study, blood talks about the presence of pathogens, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and helminth infection.