You will need
  • - screwdriver;
  • -electronic tester;
  • - service documentation;
  • - alcohol;
  • - napkin;
  • - installation disk with the operating system;
  • - compressed air;
  • a syringe with thermal paste.
If your laptop does not turn on, verify that it is firmly attached the power cord to the laptop and using the e-tester check the voltage in the supply network.
If after completing previous step, the problem is not resolved, check the output voltage using an electronic tester on the output of the power supply. In the absence of the readings you need to replace the power supply unit of the laptop.
If your laptop does not boot operating system, check visual inspection loose video card and it has signs of damage, clean it from dust, if available, disassemble the laptop according to the instructions in the service documentation with screwdrivers.
If after checking the graphics card the problem persists, make a visual inspection of the motherboard of the laptop for signs of damage.
If after performing the above operations, the operating system still does not boot consistently verify the connection of the hard drive, RAM modules, clean the contact pads of the RAM with alcohol and wipes.
If the operating system is loaded with errors, run a reinstall or repair your operating system.
If you encounter the conflicts of software operating system guide resetting or system restore.
If your laptop is exposed to malicious programs, install an antivirus program, update it and run a full scan of your computer.
If your laptop is overheating, clean the cooling system with compressed air and replace the thermal paste on the CPU.
When there is no sound on the laptop, install the latest version of the software for your sound card.