Kids with concussion of the brain very rarely lose consciousness. Immediately after the injury much they cry, are restless, then calm down and fall asleep. The first night the sleep of the injured child is very disturbing. After the kid sleep with a concussion of the brain usually refuses to eat and behaves capriciously.
After receiving a concussion of the brain from child usually vomiting occurs. Children 3-4 years old complain of headache, amplifying, weakening. The kids have a headache usually held on the second day after injury, and in older children much longer.
To determine concussion of the brain from the child is difficult due to weak external symptoms. It is especially difficult to determine the presence of concussion in children under 3 years. The only symptom of this injury can be a revival of reflexes and decreased muscle tone and blood vessels.
In children older than 4 years with concussion of the brain , the worse the pupils react to light, may experience spontaneous horizontal eye movement and total disruption of their movement, weakness of lower face muscles. The child may complain of dizziness, noise in the ears.
To establish the diagnosis of concussion of the brain is sufficient manifestation of 2-3 of the above symptoms. If you have identified child these signs, an urgent need to call an ambulance. Before the arrival of the doctor the baby should be laid on its side, loosen clothing to facilitate breathing, a head put a cold compress.
Treatment of concussion of the brain is usually carried out at home. During therapy the child needs complete rest. He must not watch TV, listen to music, play. Walk around the room should be as small as possible. When the concussion of a brain it is not recommended to even talk.
Concussion of the brain from child dangerous to their possible consequences. Therefore, when injuries occur it is necessary to consult a doctor for treatment assignment.