You will need
- mobile phone;
- directory.
Enter in your telephone directory emergency numbers. Not all district offices of the road patrol service have cell phones, but they have a landline number. Dial "8" then the area code and then the number of stationary telephone DPS. In the event of an accident you will call exactly the same way as any other subscriber. Fill in your directory phone number of the insurance company. In extreme cases, the DPS can be called through it. However, to make such call, your account needs to be a certain amount.
Accidents don't always happen in the area in which "spelled out" car. Phone the local branch of the DPS may be useless, if it happened in another region. Patrol call via your mobile operator. For subscribers of MTS, "Megaphone", "Tele-2" it will be 020. The subscribers of "Beeline" gaining 002, and those who have Skylink or "Motive" — 902. Call emergency services free of charge.
Use the phone number for MOE to call emergency services. The number 112 can dial the subscriber of any mobile operator, including if the account has no money or even debt. The emergency call can make even the one who the SIM card is blocked or absent.
It may be that the accident occurred in the "zone of silence", that is where cellular communication is not available. As a rule, in such "bear corners" cannot access the Internet even if the phone has the corresponding function. The only way out of this situation is to ask someone from passing drivers to drive off some distance and call the police.
Useful advice
Other emergency services are called about the same. The phone number of the fire service will be 010, 001 or 901 depending on the operator, and "Er" respectively, 030, 003 or 903.
If you know exactly what the DPS Department serves this section of road, from your mobile access to the Internet, you can try to find the desired number using the world wide web. Type in the search engine the exact name. However, in this case, to dial a landline phone will have the usual way, through the "eight" and the area code.
If you know exactly what the DPS Department serves this section of road, from your mobile access to the Internet, you can try to find the desired number using the world wide web. Type in the search engine the exact name. However, in this case, to dial a landline phone will have the usual way, through the "eight" and the area code.