Determine for what action and what details need to pay.
Calculate the amount of the fee if it is not a fixed amount. It may depend on the type of action, from the payer. To calculate, you can use a calculator state tax on the court's website. Size information is posted on the Bulletin boards in the courthouse and other organizations.
Payment of registration fee is made not only by payer but also by the representative, based on the explanations of the information letter of the Presidium of the Supreme arbitration court of the Russian Federation No. 118. At the same time, the payment order is indicated on whose behalf the payer.
If paying registration fee by Bank transfer, the payment order is presented. The obligatory note of the date of debiting, and Bank stamp and signature of the responsible person.
Payment may be made by depositing cash in the Bank. Depositing funds is confirmed by the issuance of a receipt. A payer specifies an individual only. If the payment is made on behalf of a legal person, the payer (natural person) must have a power of attorney on payment of the registration fee.
The fee is before committing legally significant actions, i.e. before filing a lawsuit, before filing an application for registration of rights on real estate, prior to the issuance of a license.