To orthopedic corset functioned and contributed to a rapid recovery, you need to know how to wear. Here are a few recommendations that will help to improve your health.
Remember to wear corset without removing need no more than 5-6 hours a day. Only by adhering to these measures the orthopedic corset really will effectively support the spine and warm the back without consequences. At night, be sure to take it off.
Despite the fact that the use of orthopedic corset allows you to remove load from the spine, at the same time it does not allow muscles to work independently. This makes them weak, and again forced to wear a corset. That's why don't wear it unless absolutely necessary.
On the contrary, if you intend to do heavy physical work, for example, to carry heavy loads or work in the country either look forward to playing sports, a long drive behind the wheel, be sure to wear an orthopedic corset. The indication for the wear are also back pain caused by degenerative disc disease or sciatica. In this case, wear a corset, as soon as you feel discomfort in the back.
For a long time you can wear corset only by the physician if the back starts to ache after being in standing or sitting only for 15-20 minutes. If a small physical workout or rest in a horizontal position, relieve you from back pain, then better not use a corset.
Do not tighten the corset too tight, so as not to disturb the circulation. This may limit the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, to make breathing and greatly compress the gastrointestinal tract.
To determine whether the tightened corset, analyze your feelings after he be dressed. The presence of a strong pulsation in the navel region said that the corset is too tight and should loosen them up a bit. If it is spinning and slowly slides off, then he weakly stretched - tighten the corset tighter.
Orthopedic corset must properly encircle the lumbar. The lower part of it should tightly cover the upper part of the pelvis, and the upper part of the corset must also adhere to the back. If you have a well-drawn waist, then choose a special corsets, which take into account peculiarities of the structure of the female body.