The easiest way to wash your favorite sneakers in a washing automatic machine. The only requirement is that the quality of the shoes must be good, Chinese one-day sneakers after such an ordeal would fall apart without waiting for the rinse mode. Before washing you need to clean the shoes from dirt and pieces of debris stuck in the outsole. Insoles and laces can be washed manually, but it is not necessary.
Put the sneakers into the drum of the washing machine, pour in the compartment for detergent a small amount of powder (otherwise it will be a lot of foam and shoes will be divorce). If your favorite sneakers in white, you can safely add washing powder with whitening effect.
Can be purchased at a hardware store, a special bag designed for washing shoes. Put delicate mode of washing, water temperature should not exceed forty degrees. Together with sneakers you can put unnecessary cloth or small rug, it will help not only to reduce the noise from the beating of the Shoe, but also significantly improve the quality of the wash.
After the washing process is completed, remove the sneakers and tight stuff them with newspaper or other paper to periodically change when wet. Leave to dry in natural conditions, away from heaters, as the shoes under the influence of hot air can deform.
If you are not at risk to wash sneakers in a automatic car, you can do with your hands. To do this, remove the insoles and laces, wash them separately with soap. Clean the soles from dust and debris. Pour into a basin of warm water and add detergent, put the shoes and leave for a while to soak. To clean up the pollution with a rag of shoes (especially if she is white), use a soft brush or sponge. Thoroughly wash inner and outer of the Shoe. Then rinse thoroughly in warm water and gently press. Dry the above-described method.