You will need
  • mobile phone;
  • - SIM card life.
Install to your phone the SIM card of the operator life, to call the operator. Start typing the phone number 5433, then you'll need to choose the audio language menu to install the Ukrainian language press 1 to install the Russian language, press 2. Next, listen to the voice prompt, press the number 5.
Listen to the moment when you will need to press the number 4, click it, listen to the voice prompts and press 0. Expect communication with the operator life, stay on the line. Phone support is available. To get through without issues better to call at night.
Use urban landline telephone for communication with the operator in the case when you have no possibility to use a mobile phone. On a stationary phone, dial 0 800 20 5433. The call is free in the fixed network in Ukraine.
Use the service online support, if you have no other way to contact the support of life. To do this, follow the link On this page is the service "Ask a question online", it is available seven days a week from 7 am to 10 PM.
To initiate communication with the operator click the "Sadati power". If, instead, appeared the inscription "Pererva", then, within ten to twenty minutes the service will be temporary unavailable. In this case, use the service later or leave a question in the form "Your suggestions" on the same page.
To do this, enter your e-mail address, name, select from the list the category of the message, enter your message, security code, and click "Send". The answer to your question you can get during one to three days.