What about those who regularly workout at the gym? There needs to be more attentive to your body. If monthly go liberally, then doctors advise not to risk the health. It is better not to attend training sessions for three to four days. If the women stuff continue week and missing practice is not very desirable, then it is permissible to visit the gym two times a week, reducing the load of classes.

At this time, it is recommended to carefully monitor your health. You should pay attention to:

- dizziness;

- profuse discharge;

- the occurrence of pain in the abdomen.

Exercises with a barbell in any of the cases excludes classes at the gym. With scant menstruation, although the loss of blood – there is blood loss, nothing can be done in the first days it is necessary to lighten the load.

Coaches suggest to exclude from the training process:

• squats;

• raise and lower the torso in the supine position;

• weight lifting;

• sprint.

Those who are into running, preferably the first days go to quick step with a relaxed pressure. If a woman practices yoga, the fitness coach need to rule out asanas with a highly lifting feet. As soon as the monthly decline in abundance, you can return to normal training process.

If a woman during menstruation concerned about the dizziness and pain in the abdomen, it is better not to risk it. Doctors strongly recommend to exclude all active exercises and actions so as not to worsen the situation women. Permitted only breathing exercises.

The woman should be the indicator of pressure when training. But if a woman suffers from diseases of the uterus such as fibroids, endometriosis solution is to withdraw completely from the active operations during menstruation.

Rules for a woman who is in "critical days" decided to continue playing sports.

1. Exercise better in clothes made of natural materials.

2. The exercises exclude completely! Permitted to engage in stretching, bending back and forth, light Jogging.

3. The room in which will be engaged in air in advance.

4. During the menstrual period the woman is advised to eat up to two liters of water. Eliminate coffee containing beverages.