How to choose a good Lily bulbs

In any case, no matter where you tried to buy a Lily, it is worth to pay special attention to the choice between full bulbs of plants. Lily bulbs need to select large, dry, with fleshy scales. Unacceptable signs of disease and mechanical damage on any parts of the bulb, so very carefully examine its scales, roots and the bottom.

Buying bulbs lilies it is better to attend an early spring or fall, before planting in the ground. Deadlines for planting bulbs in the ground in autumn – end of October spring – early may.

If Lily purchased in advance, then store the bulbs in packaging with perforation, in a cool dark place, at temperatures not below 4 °C, for example, in the lower part of the refrigerator. Storage space should be dry with sufficient quantity of air. In such circumstances, Lily bulbs may start to rise. In this case, you need to open the package and see that the young stem is not subjected to deformation.

Rules of planting lilies

A nice feature of the cultivation of lilies is their ability to grow and fully develop in one place for up to five years. The main thing - to choose a suitable place for a flower garden. The Lily – lovers moderately moist places in partial shade with well-drained soil.

The most favorable period for planting Lily is at the end of September, when the plant is at rest. In prednisalone activities include the removal of damaged scales, shortening the long roots and treatment of bulbs systemic fungicide. Lily is very responsive to the use of growth promoters, so that they can safely use. For example, first the bulbs treated with 0.2% solution of fundazol for 20 minutes, dried and withstanding their time in Epinay.

Planting lilies is in the pits with a diameter of 40 cm, if the bulbs are large, to a depth of 15 cm At the bottom of the pit to prepare in advance good drainage, it can be a layer of gravel or sand up to 5 cm from the Top to pour a layer of soil, optimally also to 5 cm

Lily bulbs be planted one in each planting hole and compacting the ground around the plant, fill them so that the soil completely covers the top of the bulb. Don't forget about the fact that the optimum depth of planting bulbs 15 cm and Then to mark the place of landing lilies, forming the surface of the earth circumference around the landing pit, and sprinkle a handful of granular fertilizer.

Caring for Lily: fertilizer

On the growth of bulbous species of flowering plants, including lilies, has a beneficial effect fertilization. Many gardeners are interested in breeding lilies, it is recommended to use granular fertilizer for bulbous flowers, which is specifically designed for this group of plants.

Fertilize lilies twice per year. Autumn in October, the nutrition is carried out fertilizer, not containing nitrogen, and in the spring, once the soil surface will seem young leaves – fertilizers with nitrogen. It is not necessary to use organic fertilizer, the excess of organic matter in the soil contributes to infection of fungal diseases of lilies, but introduction to soil wood ash will have the opposite effect. For the prevention of diseases and spread of pests recommended up to three times a year spraying of lilies 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

The secrets of successful care of the lilies

Care lilies mostly undemanding, but there are still a few secrets that you need to know to begin the cultivation of this beautiful plant.

The landing of the lilies is better to choose on the site such that the lower part of the stem of the plant was in the shade. This will avoid overheating and drying out the ground around the bulbs. With this, you can plant lilies in the compositions of the low or medium floral crops. Lily especially well in such plantings with daylilies, hosts, nwankama and bells.

Care of lilies during flowering is providing small irrigation. If the flowering period coincided with the drought, it is necessary to profusely pour water on the plot with colors a few times to avoid water depletion of follicles. After Lily Bud, watering can be quite to stop.

When you cut lilies in a bouquet be sure to leave part of the stem with leaves above the ground. This will allow the bulb to continue full development. The slice needs to do a braid, so that rain water does not enter the stem and cause it to rot. In autumn, cut all the shoots of the lilies, leaving the stems up to 20 cm.

To Lily suffered during the winter from frost, they need to cover. To use for shelter can be sawdust, the foil, agrotextile, twigs and other materials. The main thing is to check that the soil and the material was completely dry. In the spring after the danger of frost cover need be removed in order to ensure the normal development undeformed shoots of lilies.