Divide the resulting measurement in square meters the size of a surface in a million to change the value in square kilometers. This conversion factor is derived directly from the name of the unit of measurement is "square kilometer". The prefix "kilo" in the SI system is used to refer to thousandfold increase in the unit - which is a word derived from the Greek meaning thousand. And the word "square" indicates that this thousand be raised to the second power, i.e. multiplied by itself. One thousand squared, will result in a unit with six zeros is a million.
Move the decimal point in the original value six positions to the left to convert square meters into square kilometers. This operation does not even require to make any calculations.
If there are problems with conversion, then use the online calculators to convert units of area measurement - in the Internet you can find a lot of. For example, go to the pageКвадратные+meters.the html in the box under "I want to" specify the initial size in meters. In the drop-down list next to the field "square meters" is selected by default, and in the next drop-down list to specify the desired accuracy of the result of the conversion. Immediately after that, opposite to "square Kilometer", you will see the equivalent of the initial value, expressed in square kilometers.
Search engines also know how to convert units of area measurement. To download, for example, the home page of the Google search engine and type the appropriate query. For example, if you want to translate 1587 m?, the query could look like this: "1587 square meters in square kilometers". The Google calculator will recalculate and display the result: "1587 (square meters) = 0.001587 square kilometre".