Refusing antihistamines while taking antibiotics, often 2-3 days of treatment, the patient noted the appearance of hives and decides that it is allergic to the antibiotic. Most likely it is not. The mass death of microorganisms sencibilisiruet the body and triggers an immune response in an allergic reaction manifested by hives. On the body are formed itchy blisters with a tendency to merge. As a result, it is necessary to change the antibiotic and also prescribe therapeutic doses of antihistamines. The treatment is delayed, the disease is often complicated.

Antibiotics - the most common cause of drug Allergy

Of all the drugs the antibiotics most often cause allergies, at a fraction of the antibiotic penicillin accounts for about 15% of all allergic reactions during antibiotic therapy. If the Allergy is manifested urticaria, 12-18 hours after taking antihistamines, the patient's condition returns to normal. But sometimes angioedema, swollen lips, cheeks, neck, windpipe. A person can die from suffocation. The first signs of angioedema are: sore throat, hoarseness, shortness of breath and an increase in the upper part of the face in volume.

Antihistamines reduce the risk of severe forms of allergies

If a person was previously diagnosed Allergy, or close relatives suffer from bronchial asthma, during treatment with antibiotics and antihistamines, for example, "Suprastin", strictly necessary. As the possible development of allergic reactions.

Before treatment with antibiotics is carried out allergic test. Under language put cotton wool soaked with a solution of the drug and during 10-30 minutes to evaluate the condition of the person. If you do not have hot flashes, itching skin, dizziness and short of breath, antibiotic administered in therapeutic doses. Otherwise, you need to choose another drug.

Do not abandon prevention of allergic reactions, considering that antihistamines cause drowsiness and reduce concentration. This side effect is only means of the old generation. Modern antihistamine medication does not worsen the quality of life and have a prolonged effect, i.e. they can be taken once a day.

Children take antihistamines during treatment is strictly required because allergic reactions in children are developing at lightning speed and are heavier. This is especially important if the child is on home treatment. There are baby forms of antihistamines, it facilitates their dosage and eliminates the overdose of the drug substance.

If you think that you are not satisfied assigned an antihistamine, should discuss treatment with your doctor.