You will need
  • - polishing wheels;
  • - polishing paste;
  • - cotton swabs.
Please rate the degree of deterioration of the glass on the phone. Perhaps in the case with your phone, simply sticking a special protective film, which will return the glass smooth and pristine brilliance. If you still believe that the glass on your phone has worn out, then proceed to updating it.
Polish phone screen special polishing laps. Choose wheels, rubber-based. They are perfect to help get rid of deep scratches and level the surface on the glass. Their application is only required if the scratches are too deep. After applying polishing wheels, be sure to use the paste GOI.
Purchase a GOI paste. This paste will be your first step in Troubleshooting your phone. The inventors of pasta, the researchers State Optomechanical Institute, recommend the use of toothpaste to eliminate scratches and small cracks. The fact that it operates on the principle that when particles of the paste fills the microscopic space and the depth of the cracks, leveling and smoothing the glass surface of the screen.
Apply a small amount of paste on thick cotton swab or paper towel.
Uniform circular motion RUB the paste GOI on the surface of the glass. Carefully Polish the entire screen, not missing a single millimeter. Missed areas will differ from polished matte sheen.