Buy a special Polish to remove scratches from CD discs, such as Disc Repair. Apply it on the scratched screen of a mobile phone and gently Polish with a cotton swab for three minutes. Screen after polishing becomes like new and no scratches.
For the second method you will need a rag, lube and pasta GOI. First, the phone is better to disassemble and remove the scratched glass. Take a shot glass and store it with machine oil. Then take a piece of paste GOI and RUB with a cloth the surface of the glass. Scrub for a long time, approximately about one hour. RUB well and as you will notice that the layer of paste and oil rag already in itself has absorbed, add some more paste and oil and continue rubbing. As a result, you will see that your scratches, both large and small are beginning to disappear. When the desired result is achieved, take a Polish, a clean cloth, and secure the effect.
Buy Displex paste and cook any soft cloth, but not very thin. Glue the body of your phone with masking tape, otherwise the paste may corrode the paint on the body. Shake the tube. Squeeze the paste on the screen and begin intensively rubbing in a circular motion. Not press down hard on the rag in the same place, otherwise because of the high temperature wax will remove the plastic part of the screen. In the end, you will get a new shiny mobile phone screen.
Useful advice
The GOI paste used for grinding, finishing, polishing surfaces and different products.